Monday, May 31, 2010
Carrot juice
That's the best veggie juice ever! My utmost favorite!!! I was drinking it quite often while living in Klagenfurt (one could get carrot and other fresh juices on their daily market) but afterwards just occasionally...
Tongue cleaning
A tongue cleaner (called also scraper or brush) is as much important as the use of dental floss (or mini toothbrush) before or after your regular tooth brushing. Instructions, one of zillions that one can find on the web.Friday, May 28, 2010
Olive oil pulling
In the morning, while under shower (for example)... try olive oil pulling!Sip a big gulp of olive oil and start swishing it around your mouth for about 10-20 minutes, then spit it out.
That's it. Detailed instructions are (for example) on Oil Pulling site, and many others...
Interesting experience... Oil Pulling Cures Questions... etc.
Colon hydrotherapy
• On 5th day of my cure, I had my first colon hydrotherapy (hydrothérapie du côlon) by a colon hydrotherapist Micheline
• Place where I did it in Brussels - Centre de thérapies naturelles - gives this letter on colon hydrotherapy away: 1st & 2nd page• One session lasts an hour, is performed by three colon hydro-therapists (not at the same time ;-) and costs 60 €
• You need only two CH sessions in order to clean this area of yourself! It's recommended to do it twice per year.
• Michelin's very important remark:
"If your colon hydrotherapist isn't thoroughly massaging your outside colon area (i.e. belly) during majority of the session, run away!"
• On 12th day of my juice fasting cure, I had my second CH session• On 21st day of this cure, I had my third CH session
• On 22nd June, I have my fourth CH session scheduled...
I highly recommend colon hydrotherapy to everyone!
PS: I've found some of the places in Ljubljana where they perform colon hydrotherapy but I don't know any of them nor their reputation
(kolonska hidroterapija oz. hidroterapija debelega črevesa): Salon AVE • Dr. Kaser in sinovi • Pot do zdravja
PS: I've found some of the places in Ljubljana where they perform colon hydrotherapy but I don't know any of them nor their reputation
(kolonska hidroterapija oz. hidroterapija debelega črevesa): Salon AVE • Dr. Kaser in sinovi • Pot do zdravja
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Tepid water
Katja said (and I still need to double check that): "One liter of tepid water first thing in the morning - it'll be like a fresh oil for your "machine", for your endocrine glands."
Stinky necklace
Stinky necklace (I named it like that)is a cold compress that was recommended for goiters by monk & herbalist Simon Ašič.
Recipe: Mix 3 parts of finely cut onion & 1 part of honey (small quantities),
put on a cotton cloth & with mix side directly on your skin, around your front neck, where thyroid is.
Do it in the morning and in the evening and leave it on for four (4) hours. Do if from 7 until 14 days.
PS: I don't cut onion, I put both ingredients in a small mixer... ;-)
For a cotton cloth, I use small pieces of an old bed sheet,
and to fix it with a mix to & around my neck, I use a three folded back or front of an old tee-shirt (XL).
Smelly necklace
Smelly necklace (I gave it this name)is actually a cold compress that was recommended for my goiter by a macrobiotic doctor.
Well, it certainly can't hurt me, so... let's do it regularly!
Recipe: Grate 70 % of potato and cut into small pieces 30 % of white cabbage (small quantities),
mix them together, put on a cotton cloth & veggie mix side directly on your skin, around your front neck, where thyroid is.
For at least an hour, once per day. Three days in a row and then two days nothing; and repeat...
PS: I don't grate & cut them, I put them in a small mixer... ;-)
For a cotton cloth, I use small pieces of an old bed sheet,
and to fix it with a mix to & around my neck, I use a three folded back or front of old XL tee-shirts (Berry's, of course ;-)
Fruit juices
Upon self-observation & if really needed, one can drink (by gulps) tinny quantity of fresh juice out of one of the following fruits: orange, grapefruit, black currant, blueberry, or lemon (with water).
Hawthorn tincture
(hawthorn haws • Crataegus oxyacantha • glogove jagode • fruits d'aubépine • meidoorn vrucht)
• For a heart support, one can take 20-40 drops (depends upon weight) of hawthorn tincture per day
• In case of a low blood pressure, one needs to take 20-30 drops of hawthorn tincture, 3 times per day.
Angelica tea
(Angelica • Angelica archangelica • angelika • Angelique • engelwortel)
Against goiter, one needs to drink one cup of this tea throughout a day (it provides iodine).
Pimpernel tea
(pimpernel • Pimpinella magna • bNL 4.indd edrenec oz. bibernelica •NL 4.indd pimprenelle • pimpernel)
In case of a cancer in the neck glands, gums, tongue... one needs to use & drink this tea.
Clear onion broth
I usually add one garlic clove to it as garlic is a great source of selenium (helps regulate thyroid function).
Calcium tea
Lungs & limestone tea
• common plantain (Plantago major) • narrow-leaf plantain (Plantago lanceolata) • common lungwort (Pulmonaria officinalis)
• Iceland moss (Cetraria islandica) • ground ivy (Glechoma hederacea) • common mullein (Verbascum thapsus) • "Meum mutellina"
• Iceland moss (Cetraria islandica) • ground ivy (Glechoma hederacea) • common mullein (Verbascum thapsus) • "Meum mutellina"
It is recommended to drink it in special "cancer" cases, as well as to provide us with calcium and potassium.
Calcium tea
As ground ivy is forbidden, and three other ingredients from "limestone" tea above aren't available in Belgium,we've decided for the following "calcium" mix at my "herbal shop" (30 g of each & only 10 g of Iceland mos):
• ribwort / narrow-leaf plantain (Plantago lanceolata • suličasti trpotec • plantain lanceole • smalle weegbree)
• common lungwort (Pulmonaria officinalis • pljuNL 4.indd čnik • pulmonaire • longkruid)
• Iceland moss (Cetraria islandica • NL 4.indd islandski lišaj • linchen Islande • Ijslandmos)
• wild / creeping thyme (Thymus serpyllum • materina dušica • serpolet / thym sauvage • wilde tijm)
• common gypsyweed (Veronica officinalis •NL 4.indd jetičnik • Véronique • ereprijskruid)
• sweet woodruff (Asperula odorata •NL 4.indd dišeča perla oz. prvenec • gaillet odorant • lievevrouwbedstro)
• common gypsyweed (Veronica officinalis •
• sweet woodruff (Asperula odorata •
• elecampane (Inula helenium • veliki oman • aunée • alant)
• horsetail (Equisetum arvense • preslica • prèle • akkerpaardenstaart)
• germander (Teucrium chamaedrys • vrednik • germandrée / petit chêne • ?)
Marigold tea
(marigold • Calendula officinalis • ognjič • fleurs de souci • goudsbloem)
One should drink a cup per day - for better cellular respiration and for stimulating secreting organs.
Red cranesbill tea
(red cranesbill / herb Robert • Geranium robertianum • smrdljička • géranium RobertSage tea
(sage • Salvia officinalis • žajbelj • sauge • salie)
Anybody who wants to stay healthy might start drinking up to 500 ml of sage tea per day.
During this cure it is obligatory (up to 3 l), although recommended to be mixed with:
• St. John's wort (Hypericum perforatum •
• peppermint (Mentha piperita • poprova meta
• lemon balm (Melissa officinalis • melisa • mélisse
Kidney tea
• 15 g of horsetail (Equisetum arvense • preslica • 8 g of knotgrass (Polygonum aviculare •
• 10 g of stinging nettle (Urtica dioica • kopriva • ortie piquante
• 6 g of St. John's wort (Hypericum perforatum • šentjanževka • millepertuis
One needs to drink this tea only during first three weeks - it helps cleaning kidneys.
Breuss juice
• 3/5 of red beet root (against cancer) • 300 g
• 1/5 of carrots (provides carotene) • 100 g
• 1/5 of celery root (provides phosphor) • 100 g
• a bit of black radish (for liver support) • approx. 30 g
• small potato (optional; for liver cancer a must) • approx. an egg size
Mix all these vegetables through a juicier. Strain juice to get rid of all sediments as any solids may provide a breeding ground for cancer. Take this juice by the spoonful. Don’t swallow right away and salivate it well. You should take some juice 10 to 15 times throughout the morning, but only when you feel like it; the same ratio applies for the afternoon/evening.
One needs 125 - 250 ml of this juice per day, but is allowed to drink up to 500 ml per day; only when feeling hunger.
Breuss Cure Essentials (for my case)
Below is all I need to and can consume during this cure.
Very important: Please note that these are the elements of my cure & for my case.
Juices, broth and herbal teas need to be prepared, done, and used or consumed upon special instructions.
Juices, broth and herbal teas need to be prepared, done, and used or consumed upon special instructions.
Vegetable juice mix
• 1/5 of carrots (provides carotene) • 100 g
• 1/5 of celery root (provides phosphor) • 100 g
• a bit of black radish (for liver support) • approx. 30 g
• small potato (optional; for liver cancer a must) • approx. an egg size
One needs 125 - 250 ml of this juice per day, but is allowed to drink up to 500 ml per day; when feeling hunger.
Sage tea (Salvia officinalis • žajbelj • sauge • salie)
Anybody who wants to stay healthy might start drinking up to 500 ml of sage tea per day.During this cure it is obligatory (up to 3 l), although recommended to be mixed with:
• St. John's wort (Hypericum perforatum •
• peppermint (Mentha piperita • poprova meta
• lemon balm (Melissa officinalis • melisa • mélisse • citroenmelisse)NL 4.indd
Kidney tea
• 15 g of horsetail (Equisetum arvense • preslica • 8 g of knotgrass (Polygonum aviculare •
• 10 g of stinging nettle (Urtica dioica • kopriva • ortie piquante
• 6 g of St. John's wort (Hypericum perforatum • šentjanževka • millepertuis
One needs to drink this tea only during first three weeks - it helps cleaning kidneys.
Red cranesbill tea (herb Robert • Geranium robertianum • smrdljička • géranium Robert • Robertskruid)
One needs to drink one cup of this tea per day - it contains radium and stimulates secreting organs.Marigold tea (Calendula officinalis • ognjič • fleurs de souci • goudsbloem)
One should drink a cup per day - for better cellular respiration and for stimulating secreting organs.
Clear onion broth
One can drink up to two cups of this broth per day.I'll add one garlic clove to it as garlic is a great source of selenium (helps regulate thyroid function).
Pimpernel tea (Pimpinella magna • bNL 4.indd edrenec oz. bibernelica •NL 4.indd pimprenelle • pimpernel)
In case of a cancer in the neck glands, gums, tongue... one needs to use & drink this tea.Angelica tea (Angelica archangelica • angelika • Angelique • engelwortel)
Against goiter, one needs to drink one cup of this tea throughout a day (it provides iodine).
Lungs & limestone tea
• common plantain (Plantago major) • narrow-leaf plantain (Plantago lanceolata)
• Iceland moss (Cetraria islandica) • common lungwort (Pulmonaria officinalis)
• ground ivy (Glechoma hederacea) • common mullein (Verbascum thapsus) • "Meum mutellina"
• Iceland moss (Cetraria islandica) • common lungwort (Pulmonaria officinalis)
• ground ivy (Glechoma hederacea) • common mullein (Verbascum thapsus) • "Meum mutellina"
It is recommended to drink it in special "cancer" cases, as well as to provide us with calcium and potassium.
One can drink it as much as wished.
"Calcium" tea
As ground ivy is forbidden, and three other ingredients from "limestone" tea above aren't available in Belgium,
we've decided for the following "calcium" mix at my "herbal shop" (30 g of each & only 10 g of Iceland mos):
As ground ivy is forbidden, and three other ingredients from "limestone" tea above aren't available in Belgium,
we've decided for the following "calcium" mix at my "herbal shop" (30 g of each & only 10 g of Iceland mos):
• ribwort / narrow-leaf plantain (Plantago lanceolata • suličasti trpotec • plantain lanceole • smalle weegbree)
• common lungwort (Pulmonaria officinalis • pljuNL 4.indd čnik • pulmonaire • longkruid)
• Iceland moss (Cetraria islandica • NL 4.indd islandski lišaj • linchen Islande • Ijslandmos)
• wild / creeping thyme (Thymus serpyllum • materina dušica • serpolet / thym sauvage • wilde tijm)
• common gypsyweed (Veronica officinalis •NL 4.indd jetičnik • Véronique • ereprijskruid)
• sweet woodruff (Asperula odorata •NL 4.indd dišeča perla oz. prvenec • gaillet odorant • lievevrouwbedstro)
• common gypsyweed (Veronica officinalis •
• sweet woodruff (Asperula odorata •
• elecampane (Inula helenium • veliki oman • aunée • alant)
• horsetail (Equisetum arvense • preslica • prèle • akkerpaardenstaart)
• germander (Teucrium chamaedrys • vrednik • germandrée / petit chêne • ?)Other recommendations:
• For a heart support, one can take 20-40 drops (depends upon weight) of hawthorn tincture per day(hawthorn • Crataegus oxyacantha • glogove jagode • aubépine fruit • meidoorn vrucht).
• In case of a low blood pressure, one needs to take 20-30 drops of hawthorn tincture, 3 times per day.
• Upon self-observation & if really needed, one can drink (by gulps) tinny quantity of fresh juice
out of one of the following fruits: orange, grapefruit, black currant, blueberry, or lemon (with water).
• From time to time, one can have a mouthful of sauerkraut juice.
• During this cure, one needs • to continue working • to forget about food & illness • to listen
to her/his body & common sense carefully • to moderately exercise • to do breathing exercises...
out of one of the following fruits: orange, grapefruit, black currant, blueberry, or lemon (with water).
• From time to time, one can have a mouthful of sauerkraut juice.
• During this cure, one needs • to continue working • to forget about food & illness • to listen
to her/his body & common sense carefully • to moderately exercise • to do breathing exercises...
As my Breuss cure progresses, I'm dwelling on whether to share its essential details within Aida's Breuss Cure Diary or not... I've rather decided to create another blog, and in case someone will be interested in details indeed, she/he can easily find any of them. Of course, I'm doing that also to leave a track of my doing for... at least me... ;-)
Sources for what concerns this cure were Rudolf Breuss books
• in Slovenian: "Zdravljenje raka in levkemije..."
• and in English: "The Breuss Cancer Cure",
• as well as Jürgen Thomar's book in French: "Pratique de la cure Breuss".
And what I'm describing within my blogs about Breuss cure, it's entirely and only what I understood out of all I've read... Well, I'm pretty much confident that I'm on a sound ground, but I might be wrong somewhere as well... ;-) In case you would like to undergo this cure, please get a copy of Breuss book and check ALL by yourself and for your special case! Thanks a lot!
PS: I'll post majority of titles but will handle posts contents as time will allow me... ;-)
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